Gospel Passover Events

A Passover Relationship between Events in the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ

ABSTRACT: What are the signs of Passover? Events can occur at the first and second Passover solar and lunar and a month before Passover. This latter was completely unexpected—but matches the events that transpired.


Copyright Ó 2011 Bruce Alan Killian  updated 21 July 2020 A.D. email bakillian at earthlink.net

To index                                                file: http://www.scripturescholar.com/GospelPassoverEvents.pdf


This article is meant to be a support article for http://www.scripturescholar.com/ChronologyJesus.pdf, an article that attempts to give a detailed chronology of Jesus’ life and ministry and in which a strong link to Passover events is revealed.

The leading bolded letter identifies the event in question, usually by its most significant event.

The labeling scheme each letter represents a particular event; the letters are kept in the same order. The first reference is the Exodus and gives an example of how the event originally occurred.

E—True Exodus events—Passover Abib/Nisan 1438 B.C. (Selection of lamb through waters of Marah)

A—Annunciation—official Passover—Nisan 1 B.C. (visit of Gabriel through Mary arriving at Elizabeth’s house)

ÝThe star of Bethlehem official Passover Nisan 1 A.D. (magi arrive in Jerusalem thru the flight to Egypt

12—Official Passover when Jesus was 12 years old (Luke 2:41-51)

W—Disciples to John until the end of the wedding in Cana, a two-week event started one month before Passover.

1P—First public Passover lunar-solar Passover Nisan 31 A.D.

S—Samaritan Woman at the Well and Disciples baptizing (From leaving Jerusalem until they arrive in Galilee)

G—Ministering at Sea of Galilee (second Passover) 31A.D. arrival Capernaum to raising of Jairus’ girl

H—Withered hand, call of apostles, Jesus relatives, Nain (Matthew 12-13) two weeks second solar Passover

DDeath of John the Baptist month before official Passover

5—Feeding 5000—first solar Passover first week early Nisan 32 A.D.

4—Feeding 4000—first solar Passover second week Nisan 32 A.D.

T—Caesarea Philippi to Transfiguration official Passover Nisan 32 A.D.

J—Trans Jordan second solar Passover 32 A.D.

Z—Lazarus (John 11) month before Passover 33 A.D.

L—Last Supper—Solar Passover Nisan 33 A.D. (From Jericho to crucifixion)

UCrucifixionlunar-solar Passover Nisan 33 A.D. (From triumphal entry to resurrection)

3—3rd appearance—a night of fishing to ascensionsecond Passover A.D.33. (Events of John 21)


Treasure (Exodus 3:22; 11:2; 12:35)            [Eucharist]

E—Egyptians gave gold silver, clothes (Exodus 3:22; 11:2; 12:35)

A—Mary became queen mother; God gave His Son; Jesus emptied Himself (Phil 2:6-8) opposite

ÝMagi gave gold, incense, myrrh (Matt 2:11)

12—Finding Jesus=Finding treasure; Jesus taught wisdom, wisdom is more precious than rubies.

W—About 150 gallons of wine (John 2:6)

1P—God gave His Son (John 3:16)

S—Jesus promised Living Water (John 4:10-11)

G—Two “full” boatloads of fish (Luke 5:7)—served by Peter’s mother-in-law on Passover evening (Mark 1:30-31)

Hdeferred—one’s harvest/treasure depends on how one tends their soil. (Matt 13:23) treasure in heaven (Luke 12:53)

D—Treasure—John’s head valued at half a kingdom. (Matthew 16:23)

5—Much more than two hundred denarii of bread plus flesh in the wilderness for 5000 (Mark 6:37)

4—Bread and flesh in the wilderness for 4000 (Matt 15:38, Mark 8:9)

T—Given keys to the kingdom of heaven (Matt 16:19)

J—4 drachma coin tax (Matt 17:27), 12 thrones judging 12 tribes/ 100 fold in age to come (Matt 19:28-29).

Z—Alabaster box of perfumed nard three hundred denarii (deferred a few weeks) (Mark 14:3-5)

L—Eucharist (Matt 26:26; Mark 14:22)

URecovery of the world and humanity (sold to Satan by Adam (Matt 4:9)

3—153 large fish (John 21:11)


Offering Selected—The Christ must suffer so identifying Jesus as Christ was selecting the offering

E—Lamb or goat selected (Exodus 12:5)

A—The offering takes on flesh and blood (Luke 1:31-32)

ÝSelected by the star of Bethlehem (Matt 2:1)

12—Offering had to remain in the house cared for from 10 Nisan to 14 Nisan

W—Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29, 36)

1P—For God so loved the world (John 3:16)

S—People of Samaria accept Jesus as the Savior of the world/Christ (John 4:42)

G—Demons not allowed to speak because they knew He was the Christ. (Luke 4:41) Can’t reveal the selection yet.

H—Is this not the son of David? (Matt 12:23)

D—Because John was selected, this would imply John was an offering.

5—Knowing that they intended to Him king (John 6:15)

4—Crumbs from “their master’s” table (Mat 15:27) the master is the Christ who is the sacrifice

T—You are the Christ (Matt 16:16); This is my beloved son listen to him (Matt 17:5; Luke 9:35)

J—There is only one who is good (Matt 19:17)

Z—Martha said, you are the Christ

L—The two Blind men (one Bartimaeus identified Jesus as the son of David (Mark 10:46; Mat 20:31)

UPeople selected Jesus at triumphal entry Son of David (Matt 21:9)

3—(Offering recognized) It is the Lord (John 21:7)


Cleansing House (own home, Temple, Israel) of Leaven

E—Clean all leaven from one’s house (Exodus 12:17-20)

E—Israel out of Egypt (remove bread (Israel) from leaven Egypt)) (Exodus 12:40-41)

A—Mary holy from conception so not necessary, John cleansed in the womb by Jesus’ presence (Luke 1)

ÝHoly Family out of corrupt Israel (because of King Herod), cleansed own home

12—Jesus cleaning leaven out of leaders understanding of Law (Luke 2:46-47)

W—Disciples baptized by John the Baptistcleanse from sin/original sin—no specific reference

1P—Jesus drove moneychangers from Temple His Father’s house (John 2:16)

1P—Must be born again/from above to enter the kingdom (John 3:3 in Greek)

S—People of Galilee Baptized—cleanse from sin/original sin (John 3:22)

G—Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7) (Mark 8:15 yeast of Pharisees) and the plain (Luke 6:20-49)

G—Drive out unclean spirits (Mark 1:23-25)

G—Cleanse leper (Matt 8:2-4)

H—Remove leaven by raising dead (Luke :)

D—John (righteous and holy (Mark 6:20)) was unleavened portion removed from Herod’s leavened household.

5—Eating with unclean hands—the oral law contains leaven (Mark 7:1-23)

4—Cleansing daughter of Syrophoenician unclean spirit (Matt 15:21; Mark 7:25)

4—People of Tyre/Sidon “through Jordan” to Decapolis also out of Phoenicia (Mark 7:31)

T—Pharisees ask for a signJesus talks of the leaven of the Pharisees (Mark 8:11-21)

T—Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees (Matt 16:11)

J—Lawful to divorce for any reason? Mat 19:3; Eunuchs for the kingdom (Matt 19:3)

J—Hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt 19:23)

Z—Raising dead was cleaning the worst of the leaven

L—Answers to questions about tax to Caesar, whose wife in the resurrection, etc.

L—Cleansing of the Temple last Passover (Matt 21:12; Mark 11:15) (Mat 21:23; 22:15; 22:23; 22:35; further teaching Matt 23:1 and woes

UCleansed the sin of the whole world (1 John 2:2)

3—Restoration/Forgiveness of Peter (John 21 Do you Love Me…


Sacred Assembly on the first day   [Mass]

E—Hold a sacred assembly on the first day (Exodus 12:16; Lev 23:7)

A—weak Meeting with an angel, (women not required to keep Passover) or Jesus and Mary small holy group

ÝMagi with Mary and Jesus (Matt 2:11) Joseph at an assembly at Jerusalem

12—Normal assembly of men at Passover in Jerusalem

W—#1 Disciples with John the Baptist; #2 Wedding at Cana with Jesus, Mary, and disciples

1P—Normal assembly of men at Passover in Jerusalem

S—Jesus with His disciples and the people of Sychar/Samaria (John 4:39) Many Samaritans believed

G—Seeing the crowds Sermon on Mount (Matt 5:1)

H—The selection of the twelve apostles

Dweak dinner party—leaders of Galilee

5—Crowds followed on foot (Matt 14:13) Sends the crowds away (Matt 14:15) 5000 (Mat 14:21)

4—Great crowds (Matt 15:30) Where could we get enough bread to feed such a crowd; 4000 (Mat 15:33, 38)

T—Jesus with His disciples (who do the crowds say the son of man is?) (Matt 16:13)

J—Large crowds followed Him there; (Mark 10:1) (Matt 19:2)

Zdeferred to the time of Jesus’ anointing in Bethany?

L—Jesus taught in the temple large crowds (Matt 22:33); (Matt 23:1) the crowds

UChief priest, scribes and elders mocked (Matt 21:41; Matt 27:17) when the crowd had gathered

3—Seven disciples in Peter’s bark, meeting on the shore (John 21:1, 13)


The Church [Family of God] [Kingdom of God/Heaven]

E—Israel called the Ecclesia

A—Mary, the mother of the Church

ÝThe king revealed (Matt 2:2)

12—Jesus subject to His parents (Luke 2:51)

W—Peter—first pope named—Jesus to provide “wine” at His hour. Keys to the kingdom (Matt 16:19)

1P—Nicodemus—born again to see the kingdom of God (John 3:3)

S—Worship not here or in Jerusalem—but true worshippers worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23)

G—Theirs is the kingdom of heaven; Peter’s bark (Matt 8:23 John 21:3)

G—Roman Centurion member of the kingdom of heaven, etc. but heirs were thrown out (Matt 8:11-12)

H—Behold my mother and brethren (Matt 12:49)

D—The least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John (Matt 11:11).

5—Peter’s bark (Matt 8:23 John 21:3)

4—Peter’s bark (Matt 8:23 John 21:3)/ praised the God of Israel

T—Upon this rock I will build my Church; the king revealed (Matt 16:18)

J—Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these (children)

J—Eunuchs for the kingdom (Matt 19:3)

Z—John righteous and holy, but less than any in the kingdom of God

L—Last Supper/ Peter/James/John witnessed

UCrucifixion allowed and founded the Church

3—Seven disciples together in Peter’s bark (John 21:2)



E—A lamb for each household (Exodus 12:32) /firstborn of Egypt (Exodus 12:29)

A—Jesus was to be the sacrificial lamb (John 1:29)

ÝBoys of Bethlehem (Matt 2:16), God’s choice revealed/discovered

12weak link between Jesus 3 days separated from parents to Jesus resurrection on the third day

W—John the Baptist points out the Lamb of God (John 1:29)

1P—Regular lamb used at Passover seder

S—The Christ—I am He (John 4:26)

G—The two boatloads of fish (Luke 5:7)

H—Pharisees consult on how to destroy Him (Matt 12:14).

D—John’s body a sacrifice?

5—Prefigured in the barley bread and fish (John 6:9)

4—Prefigured in the bread and fish (Matt 15:34)

T—Spoke of Jesus’ “departure;” until after raised from the dead (Luke 9:31)

J—To the rich young ruler—sell all that you have, give to the poor; eunuchs for the kingdom (Matt 19:21)

Z—Chief priests decide to kill Jesus and Lazarus


UJesus on the cross (Rom 3:25 sacrifice of atonement.), resurrection

3—Fish and bread on the shore (John 21:9)


Bitter Herbs—Bitter Event/Problem

E—Slavery in Egypt; no straw; early plagues; Confrontation over the threat of death (Ex 14:11-12)

E—Marah—bitter water (Exodus 15:23)

A—Mary was “greatly troubled” at the greeting of archangel Gabriel. (Luke 1:29)

ÝDeath of boys of Bethlehem, weeping and wailing (Matt 2:17)

12—Jesus missing—parents anxious (Luke 2:48)

W—They have no wine (the wine they had probably turned to vinegar) (John 2:3)

1P—Confrontation over cleansing the Temple (John 2:18)

1P—As Moses lifted up the serpent so must the Son of man be lifted up (John 3:14)

1P—Every who does evil hates the light (John 3:20)

S—Pharisees investigating Jesus and John baptisms (John 4:1); Arrest of John the Baptist (Matt 4:12)

G—Distresseveryone could drown (Matt 8:25)

G—Subjects of the kingdom thrown outside where weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt 8:12)

G—Crowd at Jairus’ house mocks Jesus (Mark 5:40; Luke 8:53)

H—Jesus called Beelzebub (Matt 12:24)

D—Bitter Herbs—Herod was greatly distressed (Mark 6:26)

5—News of John’s death/then think they see ghost and are afraid (Matt 14:13)

4—Annoying Canaanite woman pestering them (Matt 15:23.)

T—From that time Jesus announced He must suffer many things Matt 16:21// get behind me Satan

J—Announces Son of man to be betrayed—disciples filled with grief (Matt 17:23)

J—Pestering Pharisees/Herod could kill Jesus as he did John the Baptist

Z—Death of a friend, Jesus wept

L—Betrayal by Judas—as soon as He had dipped in the dish (bitter herbs?) (John 13:26)

UDeath of hope with the death of Jesus

3—Peter was grieved because Jesus asked this third time (John 21:17)


All healthy

E—Psalm No feeble one among them

A—Mary able to leave in haste and travel

ÝHoly family healthy enough to flee

12—Community all able to travel

W—Disciples all able to travel

1P—Miraculous signs (John 2:23, 3:2) presumably make worshippers healthy

S—Jesus and disciples (and Pilgrims) all able to travel

G—Jesus healed all the sick (Matt 8:16)

H—Jesus healed all (Matt 12:15)

Dnone but no one sick indicated either.

5—Jesus healed all their sick (Matt 14:14, 36)

4—Great crowds Jesus healed their sick (Matt 15:30)

T—Healed boy disciples could not heal (Matt 17:18)

J—Large crowds Jesus healed them there (Matt 19:2)

Z—Even the dead able to travel

L—Blind and lame came to Him and were healed (Matt 21:14)

UMatt 21:15 Jesus healed blind and lame Jesus feeble on the cross—but no one could take His life

3—Able to fish all night and able to travel back to Jerusalem.


Wine Joy

Problem the one incident of making wine was two weeks before Passover.

Wine is not mentioned in Exodus but by Jesus’ day four cups

E—Exit from slavery

A—At the sound of your greeting the baby leaped for joy (Luke 1:44)

ÝMagi visit and gifts, story of sign in heavens to mark the birth

12—Finding Jesus

W—150 gallons of the best wine

1P—Feast of Passover was a time of rejoicing and feasting in Jerusalem

S—Living water—no more need to draw water—we believe for we have heard for ourselves

G—Blessed (happy) are you (Matt 5:3-12; Matt 8:10) I have not found anyone with such great faith

H—The raising of the son of the widow on Nain

D—Herod so joyful he offered half his kingdom

5—Wanted to make Him king by force (John 6:15)

4—Because of healings--people amazed—glorified the God of Israel (Matt 15:31)

T—It is good for us to be here (Matt 17:4)

J—Taking the wine He said it is complete—His earthly suffering was over (John 19:29-30)

Z—The raising of Lazarus (John 11)

L—So that my joy may be in you and complete (John 15:11); (16:24) ask that your joy may be complete

UFilled with joy (Matt 28:8)

3—Peter was so enthusiastic that he could not wait for the boat to come ashore (John 21:7)


Haste/Immediate Journey (Can occur at any time usually at night) [Life a Pilgrimage]

E—All Israel got up at night and departed (Exodus 12:29-35)

A—Mary Left in Haste (Luke 1:39)

A—Jesus journey from heaven and as an egg to the womb

ÝFlee to Egyptthreat Herod’s order to kill (Matt 2:12); fled (Matt 2:14)

12—Mary and Joseph left without taking the time to confirm Jesus in their company.

W—Go to Jordan (in the wilderness) to be Baptized three day; from Jordan to Cana 3 days

1P—[early ministry, so details are sparse] Journey to and from Jerusalem for Passover

S—John the Baptist arrested so left (immediately to avoid similar fate)

G—Let us go somewhere else (Mark 1:38 Matt 8:18)

G—Let us cross over to the other side (Gadara) (Matt 8:18)

H—Jesus retired from there (because the Pharisees sought to destroy Him) (Matt 12:15).

D—Haste—he immediately sent an executioner—the executioner may have traveled at night (Mark 6:27)

5—Jesus made disciples Leave for Bethsaida, Jesus walking on water (Matt 14:22, 26)

4—Jesus leaves Tyre then Jesus leaves for Magadan / Dalmanutha then immediately for Bethsaida

4—Got in the boat and went to Magadan (Matt 15:39)

T—Left Caesarea Philippi for a 6-day journey to Mt. Pisgah

J—Went on from There (Matt 19:15)

Zopposite Jesus waited two extra days

Z—Jesus waited to travel until the understood day of Passover

L—Journey across Kidron to the garden of Gethsemane

L—Jesus left the last supper (John 18:1; Mark 14:26) sung hymn no fourth cup (probably before Judas arrived)

UJesus arrested (John 18:13-14)—Chief Priest rushed to get Jesus crucified before Passover

3—Peter put on clothes and “jumped” in the water (attempted to walk on water).


Bow and Worship

E—The people bowed down and worshiped. (Exodus 12:27)

A—Mary worshipped, my soul glorifies the Lord (Luke 1:46) John leaped for joy (Luke 1:44)

ÝMagi bowed down and worshipped Him. (Matt 2:11)


W—Rabbi, you are the king of Israel, you are the son of God (John 1:49)


S—The hour is coming when true worshippers will worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23)

G—Peter fell at Jesus knees (Luke 5:8) Ran and fell on his knees before Him (Mark 5:6)



5—Those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” (Matt 14:33)

4—“Yes, Lord,” she said, “but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” (Matt 15:27)

T—When the disciples heard this they fell on their faces (Matt 17:6)

J—A man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him (Mark 10:17)

Z—Mary fell at Jesus’ feet

L—They drew back and fell to the ground (John 18:6)

USurely this man was the son of God (Mark 15:39). They clasped his feet and worshiped him (Matt 28:9).

3—By what type of death Peter would glorify God (John 21:19)

Z—Mary fell at Jesus’ feet

?? The woman bowed with infirmity healed on the Sabbath (Luke 13:11).



E—Yam Suph (Exodus 14)

A—Jesus in water in the womb

ÝTo Egypt via Mediterranean/Nile

12—Mary and Joseph would have forded the Jordan twice in the three days of separation.

W—Cross Jordan to get to Cana

1P—Born of water and blood

S—Baptizing in Jordan and promise of Living Water

G—Sea of Galilee (Matt 8:24-25)

H—Jesus taught sitting in a boat (Matt 13:2)

D—Water—Jordan River because Macherus was on the west coast of Dead Sea

5—Sea of Galilee (Matt 14:22)

4—4000 crossed Jordan to Decapolis Jesus crossed Sea of Galilee (Matt 15:39)


J—The other side of “the Jordan” (Mat 19:1)

Z—Jesus probably traveled from Judea beyond the Jordan (Perea), so He had to cross the Jordan River

L—Jesus crossed Kidron at the triumphal entry, and to Gethsemane, water mixed with wine

UFrom Jesus’ side (John 19:34)

3—Sea of Tiberius



E—Killed by Egyptians (Ex 14:11-12)

A—Mary could be stoned for sex out of wedlock (

ÝKilled by King Herod

12—Jesus kidnapped, lost, etc. (Luke 2:48)

W—weak wedding with no wine (John 2:3)

1P—Arrest for cleansing Temple/Destroy this temple, and in 3 days I will raise it up. (John 2:19) must be lifted up

S—John the Baptist arrested—same could happen to Jesus (Matt 18:

G—Everyone could drown (Matt 8:25)

H—Pharisees plot to kill Jesus. (and Herodians Mark 3:6).


5—News of John’s death/Peter could drown (Matt 14:28-30)

4—Faint on the way home

T—Jesus spoke of His coming death

J—Herod could kill Jesus as he did John the Baptist

Z—Concern about last attempted stoning. Chief Priests decide to kill Jesus and Lazarus

L—Judas betrayed




Strong Arm

E—Moses arms and staff over the Sea (Exodus 14:16)

A—In Magnificat (His mighty arm (Luke 1:51)

ÝAble to make a sign in sky Star of Bethlehem

12—Jesus able to teach the teachers at 12

W—Sign in Heaven Ladder, Cross, Slain Lamb, Angels ascending and descending

1P—Many signs

S—Provision of water with no need to draw from deep well

G—Calmed the wind and waves (Matt 8:26)

H—Able to raise the dead


5—Reached out to rescue Peter (Matt 14:31)

5—Calmed the storm (Matt 14:32) and Immediately at destination (John 6:21)

4—Jesus asked to do sign in heavens and refused (negative)

T—God thundered from heaven

J—Jesus healed the crowds

Z—Able to raise one four days dead

L—Outstretched arm with Eucharist

UOutstretched arms on Cross (John 12:34, 38)

3—Peter pulled all 153 fish in by himself


Watch                    [Prayer]

E—Required all Israelites to keep vigil (Exodus 12:42); God kept vigil

A—Mary at the conception of Jesus (Wisdom 18:?)

ÝTime of warning to Joseph re Bethlehem (Matt 2:13).

12—they kept the normal watch of Passover

W—Nathanael and Jesus—Jesus saw Nathanael when he should not have been seen so night (John 1:48)

1P—Implied [Jesus kept Passover watch as required]

S—Maybe spent much of the night talking to the Samaritans (not stated)

G—Jesus early in the morning after the healing of Peter’s mother in law. (Mark 1:35)

H—Jesus prayed the entire night before selecting His apostles (Luke 6:12)

D—Supper usually night, while guests present—executioner left immediately many days away to the Dead Sea

D—Watch—supper at night and the executioner left immediately

5—After feeding of 5000 dismissed crowds and went up the mountain to pray (Matt 14:23)

5—Disciples in the boat all night

4—Crossed Sea of Galilee after feeding after late in a disserted place (so crossing was at night)

T—Went up a high mountain to pray—does not say whentime to climb mountain could be long.

J—No mention


L—Garden of Gethsemane (Matt 26:38)

UJesus says keep watch for you know not the day nor the hour … so Jesus keeps watch at all potential times.

UPotential times are any Passover possibility (Matt 25:13) first, second, solar or lunar-solar

3—We have fished all night and have caught nothing


Simulated or real Death/Burial     [Baptism] see also Todah

E—Crossing/Baptized in the Red Sea (1Co 10:2)

A—Jesus, a babe in the womb so buried in the water

ÝJesus under threat of Death by King Herod (Matt 2:13, 16)

12—none, or missing Jesus, maybe He was killed.

W—Disciples baptized and wine from the stone jars of the water of cleansing (from the sin of death)

1P—Born of water==baptism

S—Baptism of Galileans in the Jordan (John 4:1)

G—Jesus asleep on crossing to Gadara—everyone at risk of death—all soaked with water (Matt 8:24-25)

G—Tombs at Gadara (Matt 8:28)

G—Man being lowered through the roof of Peter’s house (baptism/burial) (Matt 9:2, Mark 2:3-5)

H—Corpse on litter being carried to the place of burial (Luke 7:12

D—Burial—John the Baptist’s body laid in the tomb by disciples (Mark 6:29)

5—Crossing after feeding the5000—walk on water—save me. (Matt 14:30)

4—Cross Jordan & Crossing after feeding the 4000. (Matt 15:39 Magadan; Mark 8:10 Dalmanutha

T—In the cloud—the cloud can baptize (1Co 10:2)

T—A discussion of Jesus’ “exodus” or “departure.”

J—Eunuchs for the kingdom—no reproduction ==slow death

Z—Lazarus in the tomb four days

L—Bread is broken—the body is broken; body and blood separate signifying death

UJesus in the tomb—and descending into Hades (Mat 27:60-1) Apostles Creed

UJesus in the heart of the earth (prison underground and tomb) (Matt 12:40-41)

3—Peter’s attempt to walk on water results in a self baptism



E—Three days no water then waters of Marah) also slavery 400 years

A—Shame of mother without a human husband

ÝFlee for life at night to a strange country and language

12—Did Jesus fast while His parents were away? probably

W—Fasting was associated with and preceding one’s baptism—do penance (Matt 3:2)

1P—The three hour fast normal before Passover

S—Jesus thirsty enough to ask a Samaritan woman for a drink

G—No food at Gadara

H—Too busy/too many people to eat

D—Affliction—in prison—John neither ate nor drank—continuously fasted

5—Fasting, they had not so much as had time to eat (Mark 6:31).

4—Three days without additional food—liable to faint

T—Carry cross; fast—this kind comes out only through prayer and fasting

J—Eunuchs for the kingdom

Z—Four days without life, food or water (John 11)

L—When the son of man is taken they will fast

UWithout food/water during trials—thirsty on the cross

3—Quick dunk in cold water—Peter grieved he was asked a third time.


Third Usually the third Day Three Day Journey (Maybe combine with three)

E—Three days to cross the Red Sea (Exodus 14), Three days to Marah (Exodus 15:23)

A—Three-day journey to the womb; three-day journey Nazareth to Hill country of Judah (Luke 1:39 ~70 miles)

ÝTime by foot and ship to get to Egypt (could be the third day to ship, second, the third day to Egypt). (Matt 2: )

12—A three-day journey to retrieve Jesus (Luke 2: )—If Passover on Sunday, then they found Him on Tuesday.

W—A three-day journey to Cana; On the third day (John 2:1)

W—third day Purim/baptism; On the third-day wedding (John 2:1)


S—Possibly arrive in Galilee (day to get to Sychar and two days in Samaria)

G—Ministry in Capernaum (Matt 4:18) return from Gadara

G—On the third day raising dead

H—Approximately three more days journey to Jerusalem; three days out of Capernaum

D—About a four-day journey from Tiberius to Dead Sea prison of Macherus each way or About a five-day journey from Sepphoris to Macherus each way. Palace in Sepphoris and Tiberias,

5—Tuesday evening after and before a three-day journey

5—Timing of the talk in (John 6) from feeding

4—Tuesday evening after and before a three-day journeyFrom Type to Decapolis (crossed Jordan at Bethsaida)

T—Three disciplespossibly two three day journeys back to back

J—Three day journey Galilee to Trans-Jordan Judah, Three days to Jerusalem for Passover.

J—Three days to travel to trans Jordan and three days to travel to Jerusalem for Passover in the second month

Z—Time between hearing of Lazarus’ illness and raising him from the dead

L—The Last Supper was on Tuesday evening (The third day of the week)

UJesus’ resurrection on the third day (Lev 17:7; Matt 17:23)

UTime in the heart of the earth (prison and tomb) (Matt 12:40-41).

3—Third Time Jesus appeared to His disciples (John 21:14) Third question third answer (21:17)

All 4 of the dead raised on the third day—Jairus’ daughter, Son of the widow on Nain, Lazarus, Jesus, and those raised with Jesus.


A Question is Asked

E—And when your children ask you, ‘What does this ceremony mean to you?’ (Exodus 12:26)

A—“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I do not know man?” (Luke 1:34)

ÝAnd asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:2)

12—“Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49)

W—“Dear woman, what is this between you and me?” Jesus replied. (John 2:4)

1P—“You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? (John 3:10) I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? (John 3:12)

S—Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest’? (John 4:35)

G—“And why do you worry about clothes? (Matthew 6:28)

G—He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”(Matthew 8:26)

H—And if I drive out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your people drive them out? (Matthew 12:27)

H—Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil? (Luke 6:9)

D—She went out and said to her mother, “What shall I ask for?” “The head of John the Baptist” (Mark 6:24)

5—How many loaves do you have? Go and See. Five and two fish (Mark 6:38)

4—“How many loaves do you have?” Jesus asked. “Seven,” they replied, “and a few small fish.” (Matthew 15:34)

T—“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” (Matthew 16:15)

J—“Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. (Matthew 19:17)

Z—“Where have you laid him?” he asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied. (John 11:34)

L—“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ 5 And said, ‘For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? (Matthew 19:4-5 )

L—“Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. (Matthew 26:40)

L—“Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?” (Matthew 20:22)

UJesus cried out in a loud voice, … “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46)

3—“Simon, son of John, do you truly love me more than these?” (John 21:15)


Meal      [Eucharist]

E—Passover lamb (or goat) (Exodus 12:3-4)

A—Mary received the first Eucharist Banquet (Luke 1)

ÝJoseph had Passover in Jerusalem, Jesus was Passover Lamb

12—Passover seder in Jerusalem with family

W—Wedding feast with good wine (John 2:2)

1P—Regular Passover seder in Jerusalem (John 2:23)

S—Living water (John 4:10)

G—Peter’s mother in law waited on them (Matt 8:14; Mark 1:30; Luke 4:38)

H—Dining with Pharisee eating with unwashed hands (Luke 11:37-54)

D—Birthday supper party with the leading men of Galilee

5—Feed 5000 (Matt 14:21)

4—Feed 4000 (Matt 15:38)

ZNone or deferred a month or a meal with a Pharisee

L—Last Supper (Mark 14:15; Luke 22:12)

UJesus our sacrifice

3—Fish and bread on the shore



Passover Relationship

E—Defines Passover event

A—Midnight on official Passover 27 Mar 1 B.C.

ÝEvening on official Passover 6 Apr 1 A.D. (Wisdom 18: )

12—Jesus came to Jerusalem for the Passover as was their custom

W—Wednesday at Mary’s request two-week event (one month before Passover)

1P—Official Passover at Jerusalem A.D. 31

S—Second week of official Passover A.D. 31

G—Official Passover 2nd month 31 A.D.

H—The two weeks following the second solar Passover

D—One month before the official Passover in A.D. 32

5—Solar Passover A.D. 32

4—Second week Solar Passover A.D. 32

T—Passover to the Sunday following of official Passover A.D. 32

J—Passover in second-month solar

Z—One month before the Passover and resurrection

L—Solar Passover A.D. 33

UOfficial Passover A.D. 33

3—Second month Passover A.D. 33


Todah like if an event was such that death was a real risk, it can count as dying. Sleep is also linked to death

E—Exodus 12, so the angel of the LORD passed over.

E—Song of Moses (Exodus15)


ÝJesus rescued from King Herod

12—We found our son again

1P—God gave His Son to die (and rise)

G—Crossing to Gadara—being asleep is as if dead. Being baptized also links to death because we are buried in baptism. Being buried also links to death.

H—Alive after being dead/ blind dumb demoniac speaking

Dweak—Jesus was John the Baptist raised from the dead. (Mark 6:16)

5—Peter/Jesus walking on the sea

T—They discussed his departure, the son must die and rise

Z—Lazarus alive after being dead four days

L—The Eucharist (1Co 10:16)

UJesus died and rose (the very definition of a Todah)
